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Articles about Christian Spiritual Formation, Soul Care, and Life with God
Cooperating With Our Creator
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30 The Message)
July 2023 was a much needed month of Sabbatical rest after nearly 30 years of serving in ministry. I was, and continue to be, grateful for the gift extended to me by Jesus to “get away and recover my life.” Fueled by a desire to say yes to whatever the Holy Spirit was doing in my soul, I set out each day to “keep company” with God and cooperate with the inner-work that leads to life.
My place of sojourn was Rocky Mountain National Park, just over an hour to the west of my home in North Denver. Armed with my camera and curiosity, I regularly left my house in the dark and beelined it to the majestic peaks and quiet trails where I could return to listening and receiving. That posture sounds a lot healthier than striving and constantly pouring out, doesn’t it?
Ten days into my adventure of being with Jesus I came around a corner on the trail to Sky Pond and saw a couple guys standing quietly and staring at a couple medium-sized elk right next to the trail. It’s a good thing those guys were there because I was trucking pretty fast and might’ve spooked the elk. As it turns out, we quietly watched as these magnificent Elk slowly crossed the trail and lept up on some boulders for a different view.
As great as that moment was, the best was yet to come. Suffice it to say, I wasn’t trucking along any more. I was alert, paying attention, hoping I would see more wildlife around the next turn. My curiosity was on full tilt and my soul was soaring as I thanked Jesus for the amazing gift of his loving presence in creation.
Walking in a more relaxed manner now, I came into a clearing and saw about 10 elk, including a couple spotted calves, quietly resting and eating. The image above felt like a gift as one of the elk deigned to pose for my photo.
The invitation to slow down and be with Jesus is more than just a nice idea. It’s actually possible. We must pay attention, become curious, and turn aside to what God wants to show us. This is what cooperation looks like. In healthy relationships, we choose to work together (co-operate) toward a common goal. For me, the goal has been to recognize God’s faithfulness in my life and in the world and to remain in his loving gaze.